Dienstag, 9. Dezember 2008

Group 3 beauty discrimination / prejudice

GROUP 3 beauty discrimination / prejudice
PRO(discrimination / prejudice because of beauty is okay…)• when you earn your money with your appearance (model)• when you have to represent your company• if you are ugly AND disgusting AND unkempt (run like stink)• if you are beautiful, you are able to show it• more advantages for men
CON(discrimination / prejudice because of beauty is NOT okay…)• when you’re ugly, but the beautiful, stupid one gets the job, even when you’re better• when your appearance is not related to the job• it’s not your fault when you are ugly, so it is not okay if you get hassled• pretty women get often discriminated because of jealousy• beautiful ones are more arrogant than ugly ones (most time)
ADDITIONAL THOUGHTS• skills should be more important than beauty• you should be dressed suitable• you shouldn’t have an untidy-looking• beautiful persons are more self-confident

Montag, 24. November 2008

City life vs. country life

When we think about the life in a city or the life in the country, we have certain opinions about this topic. On the one hand there are people, who live in a country, who want to have more action and a better party life, so they want to life in a city. But on the other hand there are also many people in a city, who want back to nature and more silence, so they want to live on the countryside. So witch is the better place to live? City or Country?

Let‘s compare a city and a country life and take a look at the positive aspects of living in a country. Fist of all there is clean and fresh air and you have wonderful nature around your house. You can make sport, you have much of happy animals in your life and people who live in the country are less stressed.
One disadvantage of country life is that public transports are rare and the way to another village can be very long without a car. There are also not very much places to meet other people so its not easy to get to know new friends.

Also city life has positive and negative aspects. One positive aspect can be that it‘s very easy to come from „A“ to „B“ that makes you flexible and brings me to my second positive aspect, that you have in a city never the problem to meet friends.
Negative aspects are for example much traffic, no good air, the stress and that it‘s always laud around you.

To conclude I can‘t say witch life is better, everyone have to make there own choice of place he/she want to live.

Freitag, 24. Oktober 2008

My Style

I think my style is quite normally, although cloths are very important for me. In School I wear the most of the time the same few T-shirts and the same trousers. At home I always wear very comfortable trousers and shirts and I never wear socks at home because I hate them. But when I go out in the evening to make party with friends or when I have a date with a guy, then I need quite a long time in the bathroom and I have to call a friend to talk about the cloths I wear tonight.
I don’t think that I belong to any youth group. I have my few friends and I mostly do what I want. I live my life like I think it’s the best way to live a life. I don’t look on money, it doesn’t interest me what people think about me except my friends and I don’t like to spend much time ant home. I like it to travel a lot even if it’s only to Linz for a weekend. I like watching TV and I enjoy it to cook for myself and friends.
It’s very difficult to describe what music I listen to. I like very much different tips of music but artist I always can hear are Jason Mraz, Coldplay, Mia and IAMX for example. Music is very important for me. If I am sad I have to hear something that makes me cry and if I am lucky I have to hear something that makes my heart dancing.
There are not very much things in the world which influences me. One of the things which could influence my life are my friends or another one is good music. I can’t understand why so much peoples are influenced by there marks they get in school. Of course I am happy if I got an A in a test but this feeling is after a few minutes away. The same with bad marks, there are people in may class who could cry the whole day only because he/she got a bed mark.

Donnerstag, 15. Mai 2008


“The perks of being a wallflower” is written by Stephen Chbosky born in 1970. It is one of the most popular coming-of-age stories from the 1990s. The book tells us the story of Charlie who is a high-school student. The Novel consists of letters from Charlie to an unknown person telling about his life.

Charlie is writing over his life as a wallflower. He gives a close-up look into his world, his friends, family, school, problems and experiences. There are things happened in the past, which he has to come over so he has the possibility to a fulfilling life. In the book there are much of serous themes like drug using, abortion, suicide, mistreatment, homosexuality, loneliness and much more. I think most of the themes in this book are timeless and also in our generation current. One of the main messages of this story I think has to do with staying true to yourself and that is one of the main parts of my life so that is maybe the reason why I like this novel so much.

What I really liked about the novel is how it wasn’t afraid to talk about controversial topic. It gets boring when you always read books talking about teens being perfect. I also like how we got a first person-perspective into the life of Charlie and the easiness to read. The book really makes you thoughtfully and I think now it is one of my favourite books.

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Description of Charlie

Charlie is the main character in the novel “The Perks of being a Wallflower”. We don’t get to know the last name of Charlie, how he looks or where he exactly lives, but we know exactly what he is feeling and why.
When the book starts he is fifteen years old and in the he gets sixteen. At First he seems to be very emotionally, shy, intelligent, lonely and smart, but later in the book, Charlie’s personality change somewhat. He often cries for example of his sister, after the fight with the bully, about his dead aunt Helen, after the conflict with his friends because he kissed Sam instead Mary Elizabeth and about Bill, who left the school and who was Charlie’s favorite teacher. He has less of self-confidence. He started to take drugs without thinking about what could happen. He always does what other people tell him to do for example, Sam told him how he has to react in front of Mary Elizabeth, and he started smoking. In the book you get to know Charlie’s Friends Patrick and Sam witch are also important Characters. Patrick is homosexual and he secretly has dates with the quarterback, Brad, and Sam is a beautiful young gild dating Craig. Other persons who stand near to Charlie are Mary Elizabeth, his first girlfriend, his older sister and his brother. And at least Bill, the teacher, who becomes a important part in Charlie’s life.

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