Sonntag, 11. Januar 2009

Correction: Task A

We live in a world of perfection and beauty. That is a fact. For many people means this “Struggle for Beauty” and that is not really good. In this essay I want to show you the pro and con aspects of this struggle.

The positive aspects of making use of any means available to keep or achieve beauty seem to be far away. But they are not. One means would be fashion and fashion have a lot of good aspects, for example it creates many workplaces for people, it´s also a positive aspect that people who don´t have the time to go to gym or to do a diet can conceal his or her body. A second means would be dieting or a healthy diet. If you try to lose weight with a diet you have a lot to do. But maybe you can see some results for example that you feel healthy. And one last means I want to list is surgery. A positive aspect of surgery would be that when you had an accident and your face is burned you may get a operation that everything makes like before.

Of course there are also many negative aspects to this struggle. When surgery becomes normal for everyone like everyone has breakfast, which would be a very negative aspect because it would mean that a normal human can´t be beautiful. Also fashion has negative aspects, for example the child labor or the exploitation for poor people. Even diet has negative aspects, because when you make it in a wrong way you may harm yourself or get anorexia that wouldn´t be really healthy or beautiful.

May own attitude to this topic is, that fashion is important, I like to wear cloth which good for my figure and I think it´s a good way to express my attitude to beauty. There are too many “fat” people who can´t dress themselves, I can´t understand why are they walking around looking so ugly. I never had done a diet so I haven’t really an attitude to this specific topic but I think if you are shabby and you want to lose weight it´s positive when you make a healthy diet. And surgery I think is good, when the people practice it in a normal way. I don´t know if I would have it but it´s good to have the possibility.

So to conclude this essay, to keep or achieve beauty is not always a struggle. People should do what they want and they should look like they want.